2022 East TN ASHRAE Past President’s Christmas Party:

The East TN chapter of ASHRAE hosted its annual Past President’s Christmas Party on Thursday night December 15th, 2022 at The Square Room in Downtown Knoxville. The event was well attended by many of the local chapter members including a large majority of the Board of Governors. The night was filled with excitement through numerous events including a silent auction for RP fundraising and a highly intense round of Casino game play! A big Thank You for all those who participated, especially the companies and individuals who donated items for the silent auction. We were able to raise and additional $350 for Research Promotion that will go towards our annual goal. We look forward to a healthy and successful 2023. See you next year!



On October 5th, the ASHRAE East Tennessee Chapter hosted the “ASHRAE East Tennessee Student-Industry Networking Event” for students at The University of Tennessee.

The goal of the evening was to help students learn about the HVAC industry in East Tennessee and rub shoulders with engineers, researchers, sales engineers, and others who work within the HVAC industry.

A wide range of speakers gave short talks about their day-to-day work in the HVAC industry to help students understand the vast range of opportunities available to UT Engineering graduates in the HVAC industry.

The event was well attended, and we plan to keep the momentum going with future events on the UT campus. Please keep an eye out for 2023 version of the event – we need volunteer speakers!

Thank you to all our speakers and visitors – we are happy to have the most generous chapter members in all of ASHRAE!



We will be having our 2022-23 chapter year kickoff dinner meeting at Calhoun’s On The River on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM. This meeting is open to all ASHRAE members and potential members! We are looking forward to a pleasant evening on the river! We hope to see you there!

Please register for the event by clicking this link: REGISTER HERE

Please send any and all questions/discussion topics of interest to Zach Rose at zrose@bce1946.com



Please RSVP to Blake Forsythe (bforsythe@hobbsassociates.com) to save your spot! Prepayment can be made at this time. Cash, Card and Check payments are also accepted at check in.






On March 9, the ASHRAE East Tennessee Chapter hosted the “ASHRAE East Tennessee Student-Industry Networking Event” for students at The University of Tennessee.

The goal of the evening was to help students learn about the HVAC industry in East Tennessee and rub shoulders with engineers, researchers, sales engineers, and others who work within the HVAC industry.

A wide range of speakers gave short talks about their day-to-day work in the HVAC industry to help students understand the vast range of opportunities available to UT Engineering graduates in the HVAC industry.

The event was well attended, and we plan to keep the momentum going with future events on the UT campus. Please keep an eye out for the fall semester version of the event – we need volunteer speakers!

Thank you to all our speakers and visitors – we are happy to have the most generous chapter members in all of ASHRAE!


A Sad Note from Our Chapter President

From our Chapter President, Chuck Biggs:

We are sad to publish that our chapter member, friend, and colleague Walter Law passed away yesterday, December 10, 2019 after a long battle with cancer. Walter was a loving and dedicated husband, father and grandfather and was an active member of his church. He was also a well-respected engineer in our community and worked on many prestigious projects in the Knoxville area.

Walters’ service and dedication to ASHRAE was evidenced by his long list of leadership roles in the local chapter, the region and nationally. At the most recent summer ASHRAE national meeting, Walter was awarded the Distinguished Service Award. This is a national award that recognizes ASHRAE members who have served the Society faithfully and with distinction on committees or have otherwise given freely of their time and talent on behalf of the Society. Walter did all of those things and truly loved ASHRAE.

Walter was passionate about his work and it was a pleasure to get to work with him on many projects. Some of my favorite memories of Walter involve ASHRAE as we had many good times and discussions at the ASHRAE annual meetings and CRC’s. I will be forever thankful for having known Walter and will deeply miss him. Below is a link to his obituary. There is a memorial service planned for Thursday night, December 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM at Cokesbury United Methodist Church, 9908 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37922.



Winter YEA Event!


Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) is sponsoring a social event at the Maple Hall Bowling alley downtown on Saturday, March 9th. YEA is sponsoring the event, but as always, members and potential members of all ages are welcome to come. Maple Hall is a small bowling alley located in the historic JC Penney building downtown. The space has 11 lanes, a full-service bar, small plate food offerings, and a lounge area for those, such as myself, not too skilled with a bowling ball. The event should be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to socialize with fellow ASHRAE members.  It is a small venue so please RSVP to zrose@appeng.com by Friday, March 1st so we can plan for and reserve adequate space.
