Chapter Member Larry Markel Nominated Society Director at Large

Good news from the ASHRAE Winter Meeting in Orlando:  our own local member, Larry Markel has been nominated as a new Director at Large (DAL) for a three year term starting July 1st of this year.  We have been lucky to have several local candidates selected for various offices in the recent past including Dick Kelso as a DAL several years ago and Tom Werkema as Vice President – even though he was already VP before he came to this chapter.  All nominations were publicly announced at the Winter Meeting President’s Luncheon on Monday. Be sure and mark your ballot when it arrives!

Also our past Director and Regional Chair (DRC), Jeff Gatlin from Memphis was nominated as the alternate DAL in case one of the new members could not serve.

Congratulations to Larry!  He is a graduate of the Massachucetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and is a Principal of SRA International in Oak Ridge.